
5 Theories On The Fabric of Reality

It’s a big diagram: here’s the link to open in a new tab    



These doctors and I suspect that you may not be taking your guts seriously. Guys, our guts are very important. Within your body lies an oxygen-less (an-oxic), alien world that contains ten times more citizens than you have cells in your body. These bacteria, yeasts, and fungi control the breakdown and processing of ALL of your food, an […]


Algae: Sea Lettuce or Green Scourge?

Algae are uni- and multicellular little plants that grow in water. Many are edible, and have a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. They fill many other humble roles, like filtering fertilizer run-offs and solidifying Jell-O for us. But would you swim in a thick, vibrant carpet of algae? These blooms are most often caused […]


Eye on Science: Nutritional Yeast

Nooch Nutritional yeast is dry, flaked cultures of yeast that have a nutty/cheesy flavour. It’s an excellent source of minerals, vitamins and protein.  Healthy Nooch is UNDISPUTABLY healthy. I say this because I scoured the library, several research databases and two full pages of Google results and couldn’t find anything but moms ranting about nooch […]


Phosphenes: Eye-worms or Psychedelic Transmissions?

Phosphenes are the arcs and splashes of light that you see when you rub your eyes really hard. They are caused by mechanical and electromagnetic stimulation of retinal cells, which normally only respond to light stimulus. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the first to document phosphenes, which he did by inserting a blunt-ended sewing […]