Biology Chemistry

The Chilliwack Measles Outbreak

You likely received 2 immunizations for measles as a child; if you’re unsure, just check with your doctor. The vaccine is free and often carried at pharmacies. You don’t have anything to worry about.   The measles outbreak in B.C.’s lower mainland is both fascinating and chilling. Personally, I am in utter disbelief- I remember […]

Biology Chemistry

You Are Creating Demand For GMOs

GMO Madness! There is a lot of dialogue going on about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). And unless you want to pore through back-issues of Orchard & Vine or Fruit Growers News, mainstream news supplies most of your information. I recently read a good recap of the Arctic apple, a non-browning apple being studied in the Okanagan by […]

Biology Chemistry Physics

4 Apps That Turn YOU Into a Scientist

In case you hadn’t noticed, the universe is huge. There is just too much stuff going on. Scientific inquiry has shed light on particular areas, like gravity and bugs and how airplanes work, but there is still SO MUCH that we don’t understand. Think about the cure to cancer, or the exact number of times […]